Available on Amazon as a book and on Kindle
Dowsing is an ancient skill that has been used since the times of the ancient Egyptians. In modern times it is used, to search for underground water and oil in order to subsequently drill wells. Additionally, to find people and lost objects, locate Earth Energies and Geopathic Stress, help solve health problems and much more.
Dowsing has and is being used by the military, scientists, well drillers, water utility companies, health professionals and many others.
Dowsing is the skill of finding what is hidden and obtaining information by training the body and subconscious mind. You could say that you develop psychic powers through the art of dowsing using tried and tested methods.
The course in this book was originally written in 2004 as a Dowsing for Beginner’s Home Study Course with tutor support. It has helped many now professional and well known Dowsers get started. This new revised and updated edition in book format still manages to cover more than you will learn over a two day Dowsing for Beginner’s classroom course. Subject to availability, a paid tutor support option is also available.
Topics include:
- Using Rods and Pendulums for dowsing
- Dowsing for health and the best food
- Dowsing auras
- Map dowsing
- Water oil and mineral dowsing
- Finding lost objects, people and pets
- Earth Energies, Ley Lines and Geopathic stress
- How to obtain the correct state of mind for dowsing
- Introduction to alternative and advanced dowsing methods
- How to progress with your new dowsing skills
Your tutor and author, Paul Craddock, is a registered professional Dowser with over 30 years’ experience. He is a qualified Adult Education Tutor and has been teaching dowsing for over 25 years. He has run dowsing courses for Local Authority Adult Education and the British Society of Dowsers. By the end of this book if you follow the exercises, you should be able to use dowsing to help you in your chosen field or need in your personal or professional life.
Book Resources
UK Local Dowsing Groups
Group Name | Contact | |
Bristol Dowsing Group | Rory Duff | bristoldowsers@hotmail.com |
Cardiff & District Dowsers | Grace Edgar | grace.edgar@hotmail.com |
Cheltenham Dowsers | Ken Sheather | ken@sheathers.co.uk |
The Denman Dowsers | Rosemary Hudson | rosemaryhchudson@gmail.com |
Devon Dowsers | Gwynn Paulett | gwynnpaulett@btinternet.com |
Essential St Edmunds Dowsing Group | Derek Woodhead | derek.1@virgin.net |
Gower Investigation & Dowsing Group | Graham Wayt | grahamwayt@outlook.com |
Guernsey Society of Dowsers | Nigel Clarke | clarkenige1257@yahoo.co.uk |
Hampshire Archaeological Dowsers | Gill Herbert | p_herbert1@sky.com |
International Association of Health Dowsers | Keith Harmon | nrgft@hotmail.com |
Kent Dowsing | John Patterson | kentdowsing@gmail.com |
Leicestershire & Rutland Dowsers | Avril Holland | avril.holland@gmail.com |
London & Thameside Dowsers (East) | Sandy Lawrence | reilawsana@virginmedia.com |
Malvern Dowsers | Ced Jackson | info@cedjackson.org |
Middlesex and Surrey Archaeology Dowsers | Keith Harmon | nrgft@hotmail.com |
Ridings Dowsers | William Holding | williamholding@btinternet.com |
Slimbridge Dowsing Group | Trish Mills | quicksilver7@icloud.com |
Somerset Dowsers | Mandy Bennett | mandy.bennett@talk21.com |
South Herefordshire Dowsers | David Exell | tdexell@btinternet.com |
Tamar Dowsers | Nigel Twinn | tavistocktwinns@btinternet.com |
Thames Valley Dowsers | Sue Scott Powell | chair@thamesvalleydowsers.org.uk |
Trencrom Dowsers | Jill Moss | mossinthewoods@btopenworld.com |
Waverley Dowsers | Michael Haxeltine | mike.haxeltine@talktalk.net |
Westmorland Dowsers | Louise Moss | westmorland.dowsers@yahoo.co.uk |
West Wales Dowsers | Jennifer Forrest | jenforrest@btinternet.com |
Wyvern Dowsing Society | Gill Haskins | gill.haskins@hotmail.co.uk |
Yorkshire & North Lincolnshire Dowsing Group | David Burke | burkewassick@btinternet.com |
National Other & Dowsing Groups
UK Dowsers Association
New Dowsing Association for the UK
British Society of Dowers (UK)
American Society of Dowsers
The American Society of Dowsers is a non-profit corporation founded in Vermont in 1961 to disseminate knowledge of dowsing (water witching, discovery of lost articles or persons, and related para-psychological phenomena), development of its skills…
Argentinian dowsing group
Association Argentina de Radiestesia
Associazione Italiana Radiestesisti
Atlantic Dowsers (Canada)
The Society was formed in Fall 2010 to serve Atlantic Canada. Our aims are to promote the practise of dowsing, to provide a forum for others who wish to learn more about this fascinating science.
Canadian Society of Dowsers
The Canadian Society of Dowsers is a National Voluntary Non-profit Incorporated Association with an open membership whose purposes are to: Facilitate networking amongst dowsers and organizational affiliates Provide basic and continuing…
Canadian Society of Questers
The Canadian Society of Questers (CSQ) is a society, dedicated to the growth in knowledge and understanding of its members. We believe that each individual is on a “quest” for personal harmony with themselves, other people, and the complete universe…
Dowsers Society of New South Wales Inc.
Australia – New South Wales dowsing group. Our Society was formed to encourage the study of dowsing and to develop the dowsing skills of our members and now in the Internet age – to all those who visit our website. Membership of the Society is open…
Brazilian Dowsers
Dowsing Society of Victoria Inc.
The Victorian Dowsing & Radiesthesia Group was formed in 1973. It was renamed the Dowsing Society of Victoria Inc. (DSV) in 1997 when it became an incorporated body. It all started when a weekend dowsing seminar was held in Ballarat in central…
Indian Society of Dowsers
Irish Society of Diviners
We are a non-profit making organisation run by volunteers who freely give of their time. All are welcome to join the Society, just come along to one of our meetings and find out more about our activities. The Society was originally founded in 1958…
Japanese Society of Dowsing
Relatively new group based in Shizuoka, Japan.
Paris, France: Les Amis de la Radiesthésie
New Zealand Society of Dowsing & Radionics Inc
Norwegian Society of Dowsers
Austrian dowsing group: Osterreichischer Verband für Radiasthesie und Geobiologie